5 Reasons Why Adopting Pets Is Better

My wife and I got our first dog, Riley, in August of 2018 coming from a breeder. She is a full-blooded golden retriever and it is the very best dog on the globe. Now, this was before we knew the struggles of overpopulation in dog shelters around the country. After having Riley for a while, my wife and I became fans of Animal Planet and, after watching various shows about dogs, we thought we would adopt our second dog, Olive, a combination breed of lab and cocker spaniel. After seeing the love that Olive gives our way of life, we have decided to adopt from now on for many reasons.

1.Over population

I bet if you were to go to your local pet shelter, you would see that almost all of their kennels are stuffed with animals prepared to be adopted. You might even observe that some dogs have been …

Things Prospective Pet Owners Need To Consider

Owning a pet is not something that all people are prepared for. Even though pets are sometimes used as a way of getting children to understand responsibility, it should be noted that there are numerous adults that need a lesson in responsibility as well. The number of abandoned pets is constantly increasing, as people who realise they do not have what it takes to be a pet owner either dump them on the streets, or try to sell them to different pet stores. There are numerous reasons for this. Sometimes the cost of pet accessories, dog supplies and food is just too high for the new owner. Other times, excessive breeding can be an issue, especially in the case of rabbits being held together in the same rabbit hutch.

Regardless of the reason though, the outcome is the same. The pet is left abandoned on the street or …

Teaching Your Child How to Handle Pets

Once you have chosen a pet for your kids you will need to teach them how to handle the animal correctly. Often kids are so excited to have their pet that they can accidentally frighten the poor animal. Most pets can be touched safely but we need to teach our kids how to hold and carry their new pet. This advice is focused on animals that can be touched, like cats, dogs, birds, hamsters, rabbits, and the like.

When you first bring home your pet walk slowly around them always trying to keep your voices low and gentle. Animals can react aggressively to abrupt loud movements. If you kids run suddenly towards a pet, they might defend themselves. If your kids run away from them, they might attack them. Let your new pet get used to you and your home.

Teach your kids to leave a pet that …

Depression is a serious problem for the elderly. The inability to do the normal day to day activities because of their health, the death of a spouse or loved one, and isolation from friends and family can all take their toll on an elderly person’s well being. Although training for therapists includes specific care for their elderly patients, it may be a better course of action to help the elderly avoid the need for psychotherapy. One way to do this is for them to have a pet or be exposed to pet therapy.

Having a pet can be a very positive force in an elderly person’s life. If they live alone the benefits of having a pet are even more profound. Pets give their lives structure and companionship. Pets alleviate loneliness, reduce depression and anxiety, and help an elderly person cope with the loss of a loved one. …

Solving the Pet Overpopulation Crisis

Solving the Pet Overpopulation CrisisReasons Why Cats Are Better Than Dogs As Pets

It is said that cats play a specific spiritual role in the lives of individuals who own them.Their mission in your life is to heal and comfort. I believe that all animals are spiritual and therefore are here to rescue, assist and guide us inside our journey of life. They help their people take on stress, worries and trauma of these keepers to heal and comfort and that might be why they sleep much… to recover from stress they’ve got taken on for individuals from bond between humans along with their pets is often as deep and meaningful as human relationships. On a spiritual level I believe that animals are magnificent beings in themselves with emotional and spiritual lives; I believe that animals have souls.

– There are some dogs that will ‘t be kept with cats

– Dogs with a …