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5 Human Foods That Can Be Harmful To Your Dogs

5 Human Foods That Can Be Harmful To Your Dogs
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A majority of people unconsciously like to feed their pets most especially dogs exactly what they are eating but information from review sites like BritainReviews explains that the body metabolism of dogs is entirely different from humans.

For this reason, food given to animals should be with caution. You have to consider if whatever food you give your animal isn’t toxic for its health. However, if any case is suspected, complaints or reports should be made immediately to a veterinarian or an Animal Poison Control Centre for urgent attention.

The UK pet brands reviews aside from giving information on where to get good pets, also contain some ideas about what you should take note of when feeding your animals and how to monitor your animal diet. Animal nutrition could be a harder thing to achieve than human nutrition. This is because humans have better body metabolism and system mechanisms than pets do.

Here are 5 human foods that you shouldn’t give to your dogs:

1.   Alcohol

Beverages and food containing alcohol should not be given to dogs because it can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and incoordination of the body system. The dog may have difficulty in breathing, tremors, coma, and may eventually die if necessary steps aren’t taken on time after ingestion.

2.   Chocolate, Coffee, and Caffeine Products

Chocolate, caffeine, or even coffee products contain methylxanthines which are found in cacao seeds or the fruit of coffee plants. Methylxanthines can cause vomiting, panting, urination, hyperactivity, seizures, and even death. It is found that darker chocolate has a higher content of methylxanthines than white chocolate.

3.   Citrus

Citrus acid found in the leaves, stems, and fruit of citrus plants can lead to problems such as irritation and Central Nervous System depression.

A small intake of citric acid may be negligible and not affect your dogs. However, quick action should be taken when suspected.

4.   Coconut and Oils

Small doses of coconut-based products may however not have a significant effect. Coconut oil extracted from flesh and milk can lead to several digestive problems for your pet. Coconut water has no known health benefits to dogs and thus, should not be considered.

5.   Raw Meat, Eggs, and Cooked Bones

Many pet owners are caught in the web of giving their pets raw meats and bones without taking caution. Raw meat and raw eggs may contain Salmonella and E.coli, bacterias that can harm pets. Funnily, this also can affect humans, as much as it affects dogs.

Raw eggs contain avidin that decreases the absorption of biotin (a B vitamin) hence causing skin problems. Cooked bones should not be given to dogs because they can splinter when the animal chews and can affect the digestive tract of animals or cause constipation to the animals.

In conclusion, the health of your animals can be maintained by taking proper feeding caution and taking the animals for regular check-ups with a veterinarian. It is better and safer to insure the life of your dog to avoid bad occurrences of any source.

Also, you should monitor the health of your dog with scrutiny to observe any signs that the animal may show before it becomes worse.